Very interesting stats. Like other parents of Y6 who passed this exam, we are looking forward to finding out the lowest P1 and P2 selected. We have less than 4 weeks until we all find out . If your guess is correct, my daughter will not qualify as she scored under 110. But we are extremely proud of her no matter if she ends up in a grammar school or not.Hi Tinkers,It’s difficult to gauge, as the QS has also gone down as well and the overall catchment size has reduced. Both of those will impact the numbers.
I take your point, other factors that can come into play is what preferred school the higher scoring students put on their CAF. However, the below statistic points to a direct correlation between number of QS in P1 vs the lowest score getting in ahead of waiting list
Year QS QSinP1 Lowest P1 Selected
2024 99 203 ???
2023 101 164 112.6
2022 105 129 110.1
2021 104 142 112.2
2020 105 108 106.7
As you can see above there is a close relation in the direction of QSinP1 vs Lowest elected P1 score, all other things being the same.
Something I do find strange though is the QS in P1 goes up so much even though you noted that catchment area has reduced. Would have thought that should make QS in P1 fall.
If I would hazard a guess I would say lowest P1 score ahead of WL will be around 114 this year
Statistics: Posted by Panhan — Mon Feb 05, 2024 11:59 pm